'Survival'/'Last Stand' Gameplay Mode

Assigned to:Dgreen02
Created:dgreen at Thu, 10/10/2013 - 4:16pm
Status:Open (Feature Request / Priority Normal)
Case ID:Killing Horizon Project: 409-430
Last modified:Sat, 11/02/2013 - 10:04pm

'Survival' Gameplay Mode defeat successively larger waves of either indigenous aliens, or enemy units.

Last stand: Cooperative gamemode. Set your defenses and prepare to counter lots of enemy waves (aliens/enemy units) . Reinforcements and other supports are available. The goal could be survive or/and protect something from being destroyed. You could earn resources by killing enemies, and keeping resources points. (Dawn of war 2 last stand gamemode as reference)



Exactly, that is one of the gamemodes I play the most in any game. A teamplay game like this one requires a coop feature.

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''