Killing Horizon background story/lore rough draft.

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EiEiO's picture
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Killing Horizon background story/lore rough draft.


As you requested I'm posting this here: this is still early ruff draft so not many names are in the story. with a few ideas for the back ground, the factions and of the history of the universe, and much much more. With some side story's also.

Will Be Updating and revising every once and a while.

Redoing faction descriptions



3 views of how the war started, each right in there own way.


They say There are always 2 sides of the story this is from a Legions history book:

In the year 20AW (1sc) after many meetings the legion was formed. Stopping all wars and saving humanity from the brink of extinction. The planet Rotov is in ruins barely fit for living.

34AW (1sc) It is agreed to put the money the legion representatives would have normally spent on wars and now spend it on researching terraforming and on their space programs.

42AW (1sc) A breakthrough in terraforming allows the legion to successfully test it on one of the 2 moons orbiting Rotov all animals sent to the moon survive. The limited tests on Rotov however fail leaving it as war torn as ever.

75AW(1sc) Legions space program complete development of new technology for both buildings on the moon and technology to send out probes for far reaching searches of suitable planets to terraform and start colonizing.

96AW (1SC) The legion builds many new spaceships and is able to fly to a planet scouted out by the probe 21 years ago named Xarilia and carry the terraforming equipment, equipment to establish a scientific base, and a group of legion soldiers to protect the scientist on each ship.

113AW (2SC) The scientific bases are built on Xarilia and the test begin. Reports of battles with native species (aliens) come back. Interesting details from the scientist who have captured live specimens after discovering them in a mining expedition. Many top secret experiments happen.

161AW (2SC) The legion with the scientific research of the new planets have started to move the human population to the new planets.

202AC (3SC) The beginning of the AC era.
The human race has fully migrated to their new homes on the newly terraformed planets around Xarilia that the legion claim as the new headquarters of the government.

357AC (4SC) The legion has taken all resources it can from the planets around Xarilia and start expanding their mining on planets farther and farther out. citizens follow where there is work to be had. Conditions are worse on these planets (later known as the outer rim) then the core planets. City’s spring up around the mines on the planets with shopkeepers and fortune hunters.

488AC(5SC) The legion near broke and no longer able to fund any more expansions, demanded high taxes on commerce of planets and mining rights on all the planets they funded. Without terraforming as promises for the planets they mined on.
The mining corporations strip the outer rim planets of any easy to get resources as payment.
They gained back their money they spent and were getting a steady flow of money.

556AC (6SC) The core planets are doing very well for themselves. The outer rim planets send some representatives asking to have fewer taxes and have the legion pay for terraforming.

The legion remembering how expensive the terraforming was for the core planets debate for a long time. But finally decide they would not be able to fund it. The representatives lose their cool and after some high ranked legion members got offended from the representatives accusing them of being cheap, and the cause of the outer rim planets problems, they jail some of the slanderers. Telling the others to not come back and cause any more trouble.

A week later many families on the core planets were having funerals for their loved ones who were killed on the prison raid. The legion hearing the citizen’s anguish vow to take action on those who are responsible. Levying higher taxes, and sending small military units to the planets. Creating bases to make sure that everyone lived peacefully together. There were a few people who would not follow the rules and had to be dealt with.

598AC (6SC) Reports of people terrorizing transports of food, weapons, and ammunition. So the transports started having escorts which seemed to work at keeping them away.

600RE (7SC) The beginning of the Rebellion era.
Reports of attacks on bases that were guarded lightly, because of the soldiers all on patrols and protecting the supply transports. Most of the bases are taken over and all the weapons, vehicles, and supply’s fall into the rebels hands.
Word comes back to commanders of the units on each planet to rendezvous with the legion main army that was forming on the legions military planet Astion.

601RE (7SC) The current date.
The legion army is tasked with the job of putting down all the rebels on each planet and to return the planets to peace once more.
And so the Great War like no other starts.

They say There are always 2 sides of the story this is from a rebel’s history book:

20AW(1sc) One world government is formed know as legion after a many long years of wars that almost destroyed Rotov the birth place of humanity leaving it in a mess. the forming of legion stops all wars.

96AW (1SC)-202AC (3SC) The legion does many scientific resources, find life on other planets, and colonize many planets.

(5SC-6SC) 488-555AC legion corporations have sucked dry any of the easy to get valuable resources from the outer planets making the core planets where all the business and government is rich. While leaving only the small traces of resources the aliens live around, the inhabitants are left with barley farmable land.

556AC(6SC) The outer rim planets form a group of highly respected men and women to be representatives to travel to the core planets and speak with the government on Xarilia to ask the legion to lower taxes and help pay for terraforming the planets.

When they get there they propose the wishes of their people to the government. The legion council only considers them a nuisance. After a week of debating, they are told they will get no help. As it is not their problem that the inhabitants have not taken better care of their planets.

After that a heated fight of words broke out one representatives blaming the Legion corporations regulations of mining the planets where the reasons the planets where so barren. 4 of the representatives are taken into custody and sent to a max security prison on Xarilia's moon. While they forcibly remove the other representatives into a transport ship and ordered to not come back or there would be new sanctions on the outer rim planets.

When the representatives meet back with others of the outer rim planets they are outraged at how the legion views them and the imprisonment of their respected representatives. They can hardly believe the tales of riches that the representatives saw on the core planets. They decide to take action and create a small covert team to rescue the imprisoned representatives.

They are able to rescue the representatives but kill many legion guards and soldiers while doing it.

The officials of legion are infuriated at this and demand something be done. Thus the new sanctions are put on the outer core planets to cripple their economy even more. The legion sends small army’s to the outer core planets to build bases and “keep the peace". The outer rim delegates try to reason with the legion corporations but there messages go unanswered.
The legions army’s rule with an iron fist sometimes killing the people if they did not do as they were told.

598AC (6SC) After many years of this treatment word got round of a small underground group causing problems for the legion military. The military disregarded them as small hit and runs stealing of ammunition/weapons and food but tightened security.

600RE (7SC) The underground group storms and takes over the bases of 3 of the planets. The rest of outer rim planets followed their example and after some minor battles with the stolen equipment from captured basses the outer rim planets are finally free of outside control.

601RE(7SC) The legion government decrees that the outer planets are in a "state of rebellion" after the attack on their bases and the officials decree they will not let Rebels do as they please.
And so the Great War like no other starts.
They say There are always 2 sides of the story this is from the underground rebel’s history book:

556AC(6SC) A man and a woman meet on Xarilia in a market district and fall head over heels in love for each other after only talking for a few hrs. They do not know each other’s back grounds and do not care. They are in love.

One day the man who is the governor of a poor outer rim planet meets with the wealthy president of the legion government along with other outer rim governors. While there he sees his lover. The man and female are shocked to see each other. It turns out she is the president’s daughter. The president is suspicious of the way they act and orders them to be watched. And soon finds out that they have been seeing each other. He demands that she not see him any longer.

When her lover hears this he kidnaps her and takes her to his outer rim planet Duvis. They get married and the father becomes outraged. He starts a small war whit his new son in-law.

558AC (6SC) Duvis is decimated everyone is killed and the president’s son in-law is brought to the core planets for trial and is sentenced to death.

When the daughter is brought back to her father’s estate it is found out that she is pregnant with a son. His Daughter escapes with help of her husband’s government friends that have lived on the planet but now hide due to the presidents hate towards her husband.

559AC (6SC) Her son is born and all through his life growing up he is told of his father and what his grandfather did.

598AC(6SC) Their small underground community has grown over the years to be on many planets mainly the outer rim planets with those who have been oppressed and hunted by the president. The underground rebels start to plan the revenge and after many years they start raiding and stealing vehicles, ammunition from the enemy. Raiding supply lines is just the beginning with the ultimate goal to destroy the legion government. the leader of the underground rebellion wants to get justice for his father.

600RE (7SC) The underground group storms and takes over the bases of 3 of the planets. The rest of outer rim planets followed their example and after some minor battles with the stolen equipment from captured basses the outer rim planets are finally free of outside control.

601RE (7SC) The president gives a statement that he will eradicate any rebels that harass him.
And so the Great War like no other starts.
Other story's
I think that this could be used as one of the rewards for getting some achievement maybe killing a certain amount of aliens.

::: Classified ::: Case 42069 Year 114 AW (2SC) : Experimental thought transmission with Aliens. Their view of events:

My species communicate through thought. I will tell you the story of how you 2 legged aliens (humans) as you call yourselves, stole our land.

Every day was the same we would wake up to the clear blue sky. The males would hunt for food while the females fixed any damage to our homes and watch the young.

After hunting was done we would spend the rest of the day protecting the nest from other swarms and helping the females teach the young basic skills of life and hunting for the young males.

The night before everything changed a shiny object burning like the sun was seen falling through the sky and landed a long distance away from our nest. The alpha male of our swarm commanded that on the next sunrise we would go and see what it was that landed in our territory.

The next day after we had gathered food for the day we went out to see the strange object. Upon getting closer we saw strange giant aliens that moved on 2 legs with massive fast moving monsters that made loud noises while belching smoke.

They started to build their own nests so close to us on our own territory. They used weird rocks we had never seen before and put them into weird shapes.

After watching them for a day the 2 legged aliens went inside of the weird rock nests. A few of the 2 legged aliens stayed outside to keep guard.

It was decided that a few of us would go attack these suspicious aliens and make them go find their own land.

The giants with 2 legs uses fire sticks that made loud bangs and the ones attacking died before they could get close.

The head of the swarm commanded everyone to pull back and leave our nests outside and go into the more defendable tunnels in the caves.

The 2 legged aliens kept expanding and more mini suns could be seen all over the place at night. Soon the 2 legged aliens started to come for our homes in the tunnels. With their fire sticks they kill many of us, and with their loud moving beast they dug and tore up our new homes. Many of our wounded brethren where left behind.

In a struggle to not be wiped out all hives unite together and swarm to the caves not disturbed. Yet the two legged aliens still come after us. The commanding alphas lead a charge agents them from the dark.

After many Brethren are killed from the fire sticks most of the two legged aliens are killed or wounded and leave our new home. Every once and a while we have to chase away those that try to get to close to our homes. I was captured shortly after chasing some of your kind away from our homes. My brethren have nowhere left to go. So they will protect our homes and the lives of our kin until the last.

History is written by the winners right now they are at war so whoever wins will be having their version as the true history. either way one group is looked upon as the right while the other is looked upon as the wrong.

Work in progress....... :P
All in post one (this one) has been Written by me EiEiO

MinerJo's picture
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Story Line

It appears to be that there is a sort of bias in these writings. The rebels look to be as some sort of group that is clearly better morally then the Legion. How about a rewrite to make them both look better in the other?

Yadda Yadda Yadda, legion backstory.

But then Legion scientists learn that a nearby sun is about to go supernova and explode. This gets the Government in a panic for resources, which leads to an increase need for mining on the rim-worlds. Miners, who are faced with high quotas but low wages start to protest. The government, fearful of a strike to bog down production, meets the opposition with a harsh military control in order to get everything to get straitened out.

Everything works for a while until a mine collapses but the government is uninterested in saving them. Struck by the mercilessness of the government, protests are then started. Again, these are met with harsh opposition; soon protests turn to riots and military buildings are soon overrun on the rim-planets.

The Legion is now aware that some sort of rebellion is starting and sends armies to quell them. The members of the rebellion are only concerned of their own self interest rather then the safety of the whole empire.

The newly formed rebellion is realizing that their pleas for change is being met with arms against them. The Legion is nothing but corruption wrapped in tyranny.

I don't know; I just feel like I don't want to be a dick when choosing the Legion after knowing their background.

Dgreen02's picture
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Thanks a lot for posting

Thanks a lot for posting these! I really appreciate your help guys. I do feel like the background story to Killing Horizon is something that will add depth to the project, and it's also one area where I'm totally open to user feedback / crowd sourcing a cool story. While writing isn't something I'm really interested in myself - I think I know a good story when I hear one, so I really appreciate your feedback so far.

My opinions so far about the Rebel / Legion backstory... I like what you've got so far, I'd just like to see the Rebels look less 'tribe-like' and more like a splintered offshoot of the Legion. I think the 'tribe-ness' is a bit off, since I'm shooting for an austere sort of machine/scientific feel with the project, and the already designed character/vehicle models. Plus the shared weapons/vehicles in the game currently, means their technological delta can't be too great - so that's another reason to lean away from the 'tribe' angle for the Rebels.

I will write up more detailed feedback later - and I'll keep a running version of the currently accepted backstory online somewhere on the official site, ASAP.

- Dan

EiEiO's picture
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updating soon and adding more based on feedback.

I've been working on revising and doing some more fleshing out right now. i will work on making it better. deleteign stuff and going into more detail.

I'm Making a view point from the legions perspective.

the tribe part it wasn't meant that they were primitive and needed primitive weapons or anything. it was just meant that they use a tribal government. that was just a idea.

but i already put in that they got most of there arms and vehicles from the taking over of the bases.

my thought process was from seeing the pictures of the legion and rebels it felt that the legion was better funded and looked better equipped where the rebels looked like they where wearing using old and battered stuff. they may have gotten from the legion some time ago. so i tried to type it that way.

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EiEiO's picture
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I edited and updated the stories

I edited and updated the stories and changing stuff here and there. its by no means finished just alot more polished then the last one.

Took out the tribe-ness.

I also added the legions view of history.

How it is now set up is a story told from 3 different points of view.

I think they each give the history a different feel as its told from there own experiences. so they the writers of their own history may have a feel of being a bit biased when you read each one.

History is written by the winners right now they are at war so whoever wins will be having their version as the true history. either way one group is looked upon as the right while the other is looked upon as the wrong.

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nightovizard's picture
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Nice, 3 different point of

Nice, 3 different point of views lets us see that there are not bad neither good guys at all. everybody has a valid reason to fight, but at the end the faction that is right will be the winner, because after all history is written by the winners, the ones who are left. i'm not sure if you plan to add a singleplayer/cooperative campaign, but if you only center on the multiplayer, who is right would be decided by the players. or simply: We won the battle, but we still have to won the war, which is a never-ending one.

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

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Alien Point of View

Oh mate, these fucking humans.

All we want to do is continue our long tradition of laying eggs on precious resources, but these meat bags keep mining up our nests!

It's hunting seasons, mates. Let's get to kill'n.

There can be ONLY ONE (species).

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LOL - niiiice :-)

LOL - niiiice :-)

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This is going to be another

This is going to be another 'Brainstorming thread' with like 10000000000 views and replies haha

EiEiO's picture
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updated v0.2

Added a section on the aliens view of humans.
tried to give it a extra special feel. all of this is still a work in progress.

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nightovizard's picture
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Wow nice addition, but i

Wow nice addition, but i think that '':::Classified::: Case 42069: Experimental thought transmission with Aliens. Their view of events''

so, what happened? How did humans managed to communicate and see the thoughts of alien life? They were hidding.

Well you could say that scientists came with those ships too, and that that alien was injured by the soldiers trying to protect the nest from the invaders. Then as he was injured and not killed, these soldiers captured him by request of the scientists, and scientists started to experiment (maybe horrible experiments) with it, one of these expirements was to read its thoughts, its memories, and then the alien narrates how he ended there. what do you think? this would give even more drama to the story.

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

EiEiO's picture
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I'm working on that right now

I'm working on that right now. with the view of he scientist, miners, and soldiers. on there colonization and meeting the aliens. and the resurch they have done. :::Classified::: Case 42069
(420 69) get it? GENIUS!! :P

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nightovizard's picture
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hold on a second, so from how

hold on a second, so from how many perspectives are you going to writte?

Man and woman love story (underground rebels)

That sound svery complex, maybe yu could group scientists miners and soldiers into rebels and elgion, explaining what they had to do and all that, i dont know. but yes having a different perspective from all of them would be interesting too.

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

EiEiO's picture
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i am grouping them together.

i am grouping the last 3 of them together.
seeing as they where all there the same time.

i also mentioned to dgreen if there are achievements if and when you unlock them as a reward you could unlock certain lore from the killing horizon universe. but thats just a idea.

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nightovizard's picture
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That sounds good, cant wait

That sounds good, cant wait to read it :D

Nice idea, classified and top secret texts, random notes, etc... would be nice, maybe for some easter eggs you could find playing in some map. imagine there is a laboratory room, and it turns to be that laboratory where the alien had those experiments, and then you find that text somewhere in that room. etc...

About the alien story

:::Classified::: Case 42069: Experimental thought transmission with Aliens. Their view of events:

My species communicate through thought. I will tell you the story of how you 2 legged aliens stole and took our lands from us.

Every day is the same we would wake up to the clear blue sky. The males would hunt for food while the females fixed any damage to our homes and watch the young.

After hunting is done we would spend the rest of the day protecting the nest from other swarms and helping the females teach the young basic skills of life and hunting for the young males.

The night before everything changed a shiny object burning like the sun was seen falling through the sky and landed a hr. away from our nest. The alpha male commanded that on the next sunrise we would go and see what it was that landed in our territory.

The next day after we had gathered the food for the day we went out to see the strange object. Upon getting closer we saw strange giant aliens that moved on 2 legs with massive fast moving monsters that made loud noises while belching smoke.

They started to build their own nests so close to us on our own territory. They used weird rocks we had never seen before and put them into weird shapes.

After watching them for a day the 2 legged aliens went inside of the weird rock nests. A few of the 2 legged aliens stayed outside to keep guard.

It was decided that few of us had to attack these suspicious aliens and make them go find their own land.

The giants with 2 legs used fire sticks that made loud bangs and the ones attacking died before they could get close.

The head of the swarm commanded everyone to pull back and leave the nests outside and go into the more defendable tunnels in the caves.

The 2 legged aliens keep expanding and more mini suns could be seen all over the place at night. Soon the 2 legged aliens started to come for our homes in the tunnels. With their fire sticks they killed many of us, and their loud fast moving beast diged and teared up our new homes.

In a struggle to not be wiped out all hives were united together and swarm to the caves not disturbed. Yet the two legged aliens still came after us. The commanding alphas lead a charge agents them from the dark.

After many Brethren were killed from the fire sticks most of the two legged aliens were killed or wounded and left our new home. Every once in a while we had to chase away those that tried to get too close to our homes. We had nowhere left to go. So we had to protect our homes and the lives of our kind until death.

One day the 2 legged aliens came way too close to our nest, they were too many, and we had to find a place were we could hide ourselves. In a desperate situation, some of us tried to keep them entertained, while the others escaped to deeper tunnels.

However, there wasn't much we could do, I saw how my mates were killed 1 by 1 by those fire sticks they had, we feelt powerless. In some way, 1 of those fire sticks hited me, and I ended being unable to move, It hurted a lot, and the pain went through my body and soul when i saw i was the last one alive. The last thing i saw before I collapsed was 1 of those 2 legged aliens approaching to me...

Suddenly, I was awaken in this strange place, trapped, without being able to move. These 2 legged humans were doing weird things to me, all i recognize is a sound these always repeated: The experiments... You were doing all these things to me and my kind... I'm starting to feel weak, my body doesn't respond... What is going to happen to me?... did the others escape and survive?...I'm starting to feel cold...

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

EiEiO's picture
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One day the 2 legged aliens

One day the 2 legged aliens came way too close to our nest, they were too many, and we had to find a place were we could hide ourselves. In a desperate situation, some of us tried to keep them entertained, while the others escaped to deeper tunnels.

However, there wasn't much we could do, I saw how my mates were killed 1 by 1 by those fire sticks they had, we feelt powerless. In some way, 1 of those fire sticks hited me, and I ended being unable to move, It hurted a lot, and the pain went through my body and soul when i saw i was the last one alive. The last thing i saw before I collapsed was 1 of those 2 legged aliens approaching to me...

Suddenly, I was awaken in this strange place, trapped, without being able to move. These 2 legged humans were doing weird things to me, all i recognize is a sound these always repeated: The experiments... You were doing all these things to me and my kind... I'm starting to feel weak, my body doesn't respond... What is going to happen to me?... did the others escape and survive?...I'm starting to feel cold...

interesting i already have the part of how they got captured in ruff draft right now working on polishing it.

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Dgreen02's picture
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Speaking of your 2 legged

Speaking of your 2 legged aliens - I had this model created back in like 2007/2008 - maybe use it for this game ? [ screenshot is from a really old version of my game engine :-p ]

I was working on this game right before the big "zombie boom" ... at the time the only things around were zombie mod for Counter-Strike heh ... I decided to go for a standard wargame [ "Armored Warfare" ] verses pursuing a zombie/alien survival game [ called" To Serve Man" ] ... I guess DayZ pretty much nailed the market/game I was going for.

- Dan

EiEiO's picture
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My meaning of 2 legged aliens

My meaning of 2 legged aliens was really about the aliens on that planet calling humans aliens.

But the more types of aliens the better!!

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nightovizard's picture
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It was form the perspective

It was form the perspective of the aliens, thus these 2 legged aliens, are humans. but I gotta say that looks extremely coooooool, maybe you could edit it so it looks less humanoid:

with that i mean looking more like a beast, with claws and that stuff.

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

Dgreen02's picture
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Ah gotcha ... I'm sort of

Ah gotcha ... I'm sort of speed reading through it all while you guys still write and modify everything - let me know when you're at a good stopping spot ( v1.0 ?) and I'll do a full detailed review. I have so much coding/art it's hard to pour through these walls of text, it's gonna be even harder once the project gets started so I could really use your help in the community as well guys, to help me sort of filter feedback.

Also I'll give you guys a writing credit in the game :-)

- Dan

Harmar's picture
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i would love to see that

i would love to see that model make a apperance again

Game breaker 0.o

Dgreen02's picture
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Only technical issue is that

Only technical issue is that his skeleton is so much different than the humans it will require 100% unique animations ... :-o

I wanna waste a hoard of 15 of those baddies, gib 'em and such :-]

- Dan

EiEiO's picture
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updated v0.3

Updated most of the stories.
Added dates to the history.
Added planet names.

Still working on it and other parts.

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Dgreen02's picture
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Thank you, added +100 points

Thank you, added +100 points for ya :-)

- Dan

EiEiO's picture
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Updated reworked Aliens story

Updated reworked Aliens story a bit.
Added the time line guide.

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Dgreen02's picture
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FYI - I'd remove the v03 from

FYI - I'd remove the v03 from the title name [ or just leave it ], and always leave it the same from now on, that way linking will always work ...

If you change the thread name it breaks the old link, we can't link to the v02 or v01 or first version ...

Other than that, really great stuff man, keep up the good work! Sounds awesome, will provide more feedback soon.

- Dan

EiEiO's picture
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i will take out the v0.3

i will take out the v0.3 from the title.

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Dgreen02's picture
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Perfect. - Dan

I changed 'ruff' to 'rough' as well, should be good now, yea ?

- Dan

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Joined: 02/08/2014 - 8:37pm
Points: 601
yes i guess it's fine as wine

yes i guess it's fine as wine.

This is my signature.

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week
Joined: 05/12/2013 - 12:58am
Points: 9001
Thanks a lot for all the help

Thanks a lot for all the help w this stuff man!!

- Dan

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