In game currency

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MinerJo's picture
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In game currency

Now, I got to thinking, how would in game currency play a role?

Should controlling command points give you just money or maybe actual resources?

Money Ex.
I have saved up a billion funds, off to buy a tank that's worth the same amount.

Resource Ex.
Now that we have oil, we can start sending these gas gussling tanks out now.

Personally, I prefer the resource option as it will put more importance on Command Points and probably include more strategy for planing how to get these special resources and how to efficiently spend it.

Dgreen02's picture
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I think we can do a

I think we can do a combination of the two... I have these 'Points' right now ( Left side of the forum under your avatar ) I'm not sure exactly how they can play a role in-game, but I do plan on you being able to earn 'Points' ( can be renamed later ) in-game by doing things "right", also you will gain XP and a certain amount of resources if appropriate for the mission type or reward type that the situation calls for.

- Dan

MinerJo's picture
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Point system

I think the point system can be interesting. It could be used to unlock more advanced weapons/vehicals or maybe cosmetics.

The thought of tasks being offered to you in game sounds like fun to me. Assuming there fictional factions are like real world nations, politics would probably veil over the military in some cases (see Vietnam). A possibility for these tasks could be that your commanders are more focused on self gain then the war effort.

This could provide more interesting gameplay as victory may be relied on just you, making good with what you got, or doing dangerous tasks for more help. Almost like gambling. Such as "General Green wishes you to clear this sector from the rebels," while it could just be just unarmed civilians. This kind of confrontation will take a while, which allow the enemy to counter attack but you may be rewarded for your loyalty from high command.

Although this may make the game over complicated, but it's an idea.

nightovizard's picture
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About that, I remember

About that, I remember covering a bit that on the Brainstorming megathread (Which has more of 11,750 views lol) . Here is a summary:

These points could become a type of ingame resource/money called requises or requisitions. These could be used to personalize units, such as camos/skins/weapons etc...

with that I mean that when you start a match you have 0 resources (or very few), and you have to start over and over again each time you start a new match.

but these ''points'' that are under the avatar (requises or requisitions) wouldnt be used in a match but rather in the main menu or in the looby: to personalize and customise the units you're going to use ingame. You could earn these points also by playing matches, or also by help funding the game (Paypal/kickstarter). As well as contributing in the forum to help giving a shape to this game.

when it comes to the creation and customisation of units, you would havedefault clases to select from when you are in a match: Engineer, buggy, dropship etc. These points would allow you to create new clases/units and add them to the list. for example you create a soldier, with sniper and rocket launcher, and a custom camo, then you save it as a new class called whatever you want, and you would be able to produce it and use it ingame matches. The cost of these units would depend of its characteristics, for example a unit that has only 1 weapon would be cheaper than a unit that has 2.

(Think about Call of duty class personalisation, it would be pretty much the same).

customisation example:

- Helmets
- Armors/suits/clothes
- Camo/Skins (for Helmet and armors)
- Weapons (main and secondary)
- Tools/objects ((Medic kit, repair tool, etc).)

then for Infantry weapons:
- Weapons sight glasses
- Upgrades (+ damage, - recoil, + rate of fire, etc)
- Camo/skins (for weapons)

- Upgrades (+ damage, + faster, + vision optics, etc)
- Camo/skins
- Weapons/canons (Change the weapons the vehicle has) Tank canon + coaxial machinegun, plasma canon , gravity canon or whatever you can imagine. HMMV Heavy mahcinegun or TOW missile. etc

In conclusion, what these points could do, are being used for unlocking unit parts for customisation purposes. so in order to créate a class unit with a rocket launcher mk2 you would have to unlock it first using those points.

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

MinerJo's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months
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I've been trying to avoid

I've been trying to avoid that mega thread as it would require a ton of reading. Guess if should go update myself with it now to avoid reposting thoughts already thought.

I would enjoy to have this game have a large amount of customizätion. Although there could be too much customization when it comes to this idea. I do not like being able to give units items (unless limited) because it could create a big death squad of MGs and missle launchers that will gib everything in sight. I prefer getting specialized squads as it could be more fair that way (Think Men of War).

More I think about it now, the more I relate these thinkings to Company of Heros, which you can change units looks based on skins you unlocked; also squads can become more specialized by being able to use a certain weapon (MG or launcher).

nightovizard's picture
Last seen: 7 years 10 months
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i know, dont worry if you

i know, dont worry if you repost, you might come up with something we didnt, and we could go further into the topic.

Of course the costumisation would be very limited: 1 tool, 1 primary weapon and 1 secondary weapon per unit. Depending your choices it will be a more expensive or less expensive unit. so you couldnt overspawn squads of mg's because it would be evry expensive, and for each mg soldier, the enemy would have 5 normal ones and a vehicle to transport them.

good point, unit specializations are what i was tlaking about too.
check the case tracker for general features:

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

EiEiO's picture
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I personally like

I personally like achievements and unlocking new stuff.
It adds a whole lot more to the game.
More people who like that stuff will play longer to get all the achievements and unlock every thing.

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Vancer2's picture
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Scared me for a second

My heart stopped for 3 seconds when I saw this then I read it, I thought someone was wanting to advocate micropurchases. Thank god I was wrong. I like Dgreen02 version being active ingame and in the forums, you could earn points while "on leave" which is being active on the forum. :V Then when you get back to the game you can use those points for schtuff. :>

When people think of customization, I wish COD and BF were not the first things that pop into their heads but alas, this is the world we live in. It might also be safe to say this game will be on a new level by itself when this game releases :] God I wish I was an owner of a game review website like gamespot or IGN....

Kane Lives!!!!!
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nightovizard's picture
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Don't worry, we are

Don't worry, we as gamers are absolutelly against pay 2 win micropurchases , in case there was some kind of micropurchases, it would be for Premium camos/skins, which dont give any advantage in the battlefield, these are just for visuals.

Yes I wish we could use other examples, but unfortunately, these are the most well known, the ones people are most familiar with, so its easy to get an idea if you use those as example. But don't get me wrong, the level of customisation (at least the idea) is higher than those 2, you actually can change the infantry armors, and the vehicles main weapon, etc... (for example changing the 105 mm cannon for a railgun, gauss or ion one etc).

well YouTube is full of reviewers, you dont need to own a website to do a game review at all, but yes i understand the point that ign and gamespot reviews are the ones that are taken more into consideration.

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

EiEiO's picture
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i see, or do i

I see.

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nightovizard's picture
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Gamers, because after all we

That what do I mean wirh" we"? Gamers, because after all we are gamers. Dgreen , some other users and I already talked about this topic and concluded that any pay 2 win methods would kill the game, that is more for free 2 play games, and even so, i dont support it.

The best option for killing horizon would be having to pay once (just like ordinary games) and then real money could be used to buy certain ingame skins/camos that dont affect gamepkay in any way. Think about league of legends, yes its a free 2 play, but not pay 2 win, you can only buy skins with real money, and almost all the ingame skins can be bought using the resources you win from matches.

Any other opinions about this matter?

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

Dgreen02's picture
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Hey guys, I'll read all this

Hey guys, I'll read all this when I get a chance...but yea - there will be no pay-to-win, these are just extra things you can unlock etc. I can write any kind of system you guys can imagine- we can have server modes where only certain add-ons are available for use, etc.

I kinda want the points to be extra things you gain by being active in the community maybe ? But they can't be bought ? So the only thing that gains points is being active in the game community - obvioulsy I can hook this into in-game functionality - ie: gain points on each day logged in, or similar... not sure.

This is one of those areas - like the backstory, where I'm very open to feedback.

- Dan

nightovizard's picture
Last seen: 7 years 10 months
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Yes read it when you have

Yes, read it when you have time, its an interesting topic :)

Server modes that could allow or not certain features would be an interesting feature.
I think these points should be earned from different ways:
- Participating on the forums and contributing with constructive feedback.
- Backing the game in the crowdfunding, depending the pledge you would receive less or more.
- Being active in the game, so everyday you login you receive points, if you conect 7 days consecutively youll get a bonus. These could be earned winning matches too.

These points could be used to unlock customisations for your units, but who knows. Another thing i considered is exp. Multiplier bonus.

So well there would be 2 different kinds of resources that you would use to personalize units. A common one (credits) that you gain after playing matches, and then this points under the avatar that would let you unlock certain "premium" customisation objects, mostly camos , skins and non pay to win elements. These points could be bought using real money too, so if you really wanted that skin, you wouldnt have to wait for it. (Exchange real money for ''points'').

Then in ingame matches there would be a third one which is independant and that resets every time you start a match, think about the resources you use for producing units and building structures. The commander could have in addition another type of resource for its unique abilities.

Hope youll start a new thread soon where youll explain the game mechanics, the game objectives, etc... Because im still not sure wether its going to be a RTS game with FPS elements (Gettysburg:armored warfare/men of war) or a FPS with RTS elements (Renegade X/natural selection).

Personally a FPS with RTS elements is more a tactical shooter than a RTS game, and these are much more common tan RTs games with FPS elements, so i would like killing horizon to be more similar to Gettysburg armored warfare and men of war, i liked the idea of a total war gam where you can have direct control of your units.

I edited and deleted the unnecesary and repeated stuff from the brainstorming thread, so people that read that thread would have it more summarized, and its easier to read again even just if its for inspiration.

having read it, now i have remembered all that stuff about epic ground battles, and even maybe space battles as an expansion pack.

To sum up it could be a Supreme commander 2 epic size battles, with base and defense building (By the commander)
similar too to total war games:
and men of war being able to take direct control of units, and requesting tactical aids:

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week
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Sounds good! Yea I will

Sounds good! Yea I will create a thread soon that talks about the different gameplay elements and mechanics.

Also, yes I would describe Killing Horizon as a RTS with TPS/FPS elements - I think if properly done, that will be the best type of game.

- Dan

Vancer2's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months
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I would keep it up.

The closest games I can think of that would be similar to this that I have played or owned would be the Empires mod for Hl2. and Nuclear Dawn. Also the Warfare gamemode for Arma 2 and 3 seems to be close If Im correct? This game will have exponential potential (he he, rhymes) once it releases.

Kane Lives!!!!!
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