Battle Engine Aquila

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nightovizard's picture
Last seen: 7 years 10 months
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 12:39pm
Points: 1401
Battle Engine Aquila

A pretty good and unknown old game.

The ice caps on the planet Allium have melted due to the greenhouse effect. As a result most of planet's surface ended up underwater. Only 13 islands scattered across the surface remain and only two civilizations of Allium's human-like inhabitants are left: The peaceful and technological Forseti and the aggressive Muspell. Both civilizations are at the brink of war with each other in a battle over the remaining landmasses.

The player assumes the role of Hawk Winter, a Forseti dockworker. He is also a dock racer where he races on his loader. After one of the races Tatiana Kiralova, a friend of Hawk's and an overseer of the Aquila program, persuades colonel Chuck Kramer, the leader of the Forseti Air Force, to secretly assign Hawk to piloting the Battle Engine.

The war starts with the Muspell attack on RI-04 island close to Forseti Major, the homeland of Forseti. Aquila program R&D facilities are located there. The player wipes out the whole Muspell strike force in time to fight the rest of the war.

The Battle Engine has two modes of operation: "Jet mode" allows the Battle Engine to fly for a limited time, "Walker mode" transforms the Battle Engine into a mech-like walking tank.

The battles themselves are notably well simulated, with beach landings, ambushes and airborne landing craft, artillery raining down from naval forces while bombers and fighters engage each other overhead.

The game also involves some strategic thinking, giving you the option of what targets to prioritize rather than giving you a specific objective. You may at any point choose to take out the enemies factories, distract their fighters, harass incoming landing craft or pick off specific targets.

I would love to see some kind of multiplayer game with this properties, you control like in FPS a super-unit, that can build buildings defenses, build armies, attack other players... even in an interplanetary setting, so pretty much like Planetary annihilation in a FPS setting.

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week
Joined: 05/12/2013 - 12:58am
Points: 9001
Awesome man that does sound

Awesome man that does sound effing amazing, lots of ideas here maybe we can roll it into Killing Horizon?

- Dan

nightovizard's picture
Last seen: 7 years 10 months
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 12:39pm
Points: 1401
sure! the concept really fits

sure! the concept really fits KH and its pretty good, the scale of the battles were huge too, and you werw able to destroy pretty much everything: terrain, trees, buildings...

And there were so many different types of units, infantrymen, tanks walkers artillery fighters dropships battleships spaceships... Though it was scripted, it was very complete I must say. I would recommend you to look at some videos, and even if possible, play it and try it yourself, it has lots of nice details even though its an old game and the graphics... are pretty bad now xD

The closest idea i had for a similar game is not related to KH at all. The game would be a FPS/tps game, players would spawn on planets as the ultimate war machine, where they could start collecting resources by building different kinds of structures, such as mines, nuclear silos and vehicle factories.
That would be the similarity with RTS games, base building, army production and management. But all from a FPS/tps point of view and perspective, so there would be lots of action and intense and èpic battles. There would be 4 different combat layers: ground, sea, air and space, at the beginning the player controllable unit would be only ground type, but by research, it could be upgraded to sea air and space and become an hybrid unit. The goal would be the total destruction of your enemy. If you died you should be able to respawn as long as you have a base, youre the ultimate unit made for combat, but IT wouldnt bé fun if you only had 1 life and still had an army, the FPS feature is made for having fun and take risks. Thats basically the idea, i dont think good graphics would be required for this game, only scale and gameplay.

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

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