Forum Points System Suggestion

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Turbo123's picture
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Forum Points System Suggestion

I love the Point System for Killing Horizon and the reason I didn't post this there was because it doesn't pertain directly too KH and more-so to the forums. I recommend adding another topic (Graveyard) or some sort of topic like that. Where posts go to die, so you can keep all of your topics clean. Ideally posts would parse themselves to the (Graveyard) after so many days or after topics have been dead for "so" long. This will help keep the forums clean and neat while still letting us spam for our stuff!!! :D

dgreen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months
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Good idea, I'll look into it!

Good idea, I'll look into it!

- Dan

Harmar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months
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would be interesting

would be interesting

Game breaker 0.o

Turbo123's picture
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What he said!

What he said!

Dgreen02's picture
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What should I call the

What should I call the "Points" ?

I want to have game specific things, like "Killing Horizon XP", and "Urban Empires Respect". They will all sum up to your "Points", which you can spend in-game as well...

GIMME YOUR IDEAS, DO IT NOW. Otherwise they will just be "Points" -_- lol

- Dan

Turbo123's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months
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Well... You know how much I

Well... You know how much I love the word points, but personally the "respect" for Urban Empires sounds amazing, for Killing Horizon I would say "Bonds" would be amazing to call the forum "currency".

Turbo123's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months
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I can't seem to edit my post

I can't seem to edit my post (you gotta add that in as a feature) so I am making another post. I would say it would be pretty nice if they both had like a "Join us Now" and a "We need YOU!" kind of idea for recruiting members into their ranks. The Bonds on the forums could buy you Ranks, Vehicles, Weapons, and maybe even the ammo you shoot? That would be HOT! The Ranks would allow you too buy upgraded Vehicles and better upgrades to your guns? This would be amazing. I am not sure how much emphasis you want on posting. But you know... bonds would be a good name.

Turbo123's picture
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I like his ideas more.

I like his ideas more.

dgreen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months
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Lol!!! Thanks for the

Lol!!! Thanks for the feedback, yea need to add post editing to the forum :-) thanks for helping me beta test :-p

- Dan

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months
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Ok, now you can edit your own

Ok, now you can edit your own posts ... go on try it out, you shady fucks :-o

Turbo123's picture
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Dgreen actually stand for

I didn't originally post "Dgreen actually stand for Dick Green". Stop lying!

dgreen's picture
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Turbo123's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months
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Spammers are a problem when

Spammers are a problem when you use Drupal... I feel for you. :)

dgreen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months
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Was much worse with my old

Was much worse with my old phpbb, like 20k spam accounts and 100,000s of posts I had to shut it down haha.

This was much worse without the captcha ... I can probably reduce the number to nil - but I've read they are using humans now to sign up / mass solve captchas so there is really nothing I can do :-o

- Dan

Turbo123's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months
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Well it's all how you

Well it's all how you approach the actual security. First step with any forum/website is you NEED re-CAPTCHA. It is without a doubt the best Image CAPTCHA software there is. After that you can start adding in the extra stuff. For Drupal I am not fully up to-date however what you should look for is a CAPTCHA that allows them to answer a personalized question for the site. You can also look for a CAPTCHA slider which helps a lot too, After that make sure you require them to check their email after registering for an activation link. That is the very basic steps, you can go more in-depth like requiring "this" many posts to be approved by forum moderators before they are shown public... So many options you can continue from.

I don't want you to take this like I am preaching here, I have done this professionally for a long time. Just trying to help.

dgreen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months
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No problem man :-) I've seen

No problem man :-) I've seen spambots on the biggest sites out there, they were flooding in before, deleting 2-3 accounts a day is no problem, though occasionally there will be some that get through it's only happened about 5-6 times in the months I've had this site online.

I've upgraded all parts of the account creation and forums using additional modules already, scanning all the Drupal forums I don't think there are many modules I can add or things I can change to make the site more bot-proof, based on the discussions I've read over on the Drupal forum.

I'll make more enhancements or increase the difficulty of the captcha if it gets worse heh. Thanks for the feedback!!

- Dan

Turbo123's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months
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Well I think you said it best

Well I think you said it best in your post... The problem is Drupal, I didn't want to just come out and say it. :D But on a serious note, you will always have Spam Bots... It's just how the CMS or forum Software you have stops them. I have used Drupal and I prefer not to use it for many reasons and this is one. Anyways, I see you have a plan I wish you luck. (But don't spend too much time on the site! I wanna play Killing Horizon!!!!) :P

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months
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Yea true :-) I've always used

Yea true :-) I've always used my own site written from scratch, with 3rd party forum software, since 2001 and have always had spam bots lol...those bastards wont leave me alone, with their Louis Vutton and their Gucci handbags spam links adfkjdasfk;hsadfkjhjk

*edit actually, I did use Drupal once back in 2009 for my Warbots Online webpage :-) It's come along since then, so I figured I'd give it a shot for my main page this time. Verses taking the time to hand-code another one. I'm actually pretty happy w Drupal 7. What other issues do you have w drupal besides the popularity being an easy-in for spammers ?

I'd have to use 3rd party forum software if I wrote the site from scratch again - unless I wanna create my own web forums, even I'm not that much of a masochist lol.

- Dan

Turbo123's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months
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I have been doing websites as

I have been doing websites as a hobby and a job since I was 14, 23 now and all I gotta say is the last time I used anything but Joomla! was in 2005. It is the most current and revolutionary CMS there is. The template designers are clean and it's easy to make your own. The extension directory is unmatched by any other and the support that the Joomla! users give is top notch. I don't even want to get into Security because if you don't know how to code a more secure structure inside of the framework the extension directory is your best friend and covers all of your fears.

Joomla has it all, Drupal can compare but when you look at the framework those who say Drupal is more secure and more customizable hasn't seen Joomla! in years...

Drupal is a good CMS, but if you are making a website that has to be up to par with your competitors there is no question.

dgreen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months
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Thanks for the heads up!

Thanks for the heads up! Never heard of Joomla - I coulda used that info a few months ago when I was building this whole site heh... well overall I'm happy w Drupal, will look into Joomla later tonight while I'm compiling or something. Thanks for the info buddy!!

- Dan

Turbo123's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months
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No problem, just trying to

No problem, just trying to help!

Harmar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months
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ya... those spam bots love us

ya... those spam bots love us

Game breaker 0.o

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months
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I think yer one of them, how

I think yer one of them, how dew we know yew aint a bot ? :-o


Harmar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months
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hmmmm lets test that theory

hmmmm lets test that theory *starts spamming your steam*

on a side note your points should be 9001 not 9000 >:)

Game breaker 0.o

dgreen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months
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ITS *NOT OVER 9000!!!!!! :-o

ITS *NOT OVER 9000!!!!!!


UncleVlad29's picture
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You can try KeyCAPTCHA, it's more effective than standard Captcha, in my opinion.

dgreen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months
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I'll look into it - I don't

I'll look into it - I don't have time to code a custom module for Drupal so hopefully somebody has already done that.

- Dan

Vancer2's picture
Last seen: 7 years 11 months
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How Do you get points

Hop around like mario on the forums?

Kane Lives!!!!!
Smiley face

Dgreen02's picture
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You need some points :-)

You need some points :-)


nightovizard's picture
Last seen: 7 years 5 months
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Needs more bacon, everything

Needs more bacon, everything always needs more bacon.

PD: A bacon camo for vehicles units and weapons would be hilarious xD

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months
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Lol - that's a lotta bacon :

Lol - that's a lotta bacon :-o

- Dan

Vancer2's picture
Last seen: 7 years 11 months
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No really how do you get points?

No really It look likes The admin has to add them manually. If thats the case thats not a priority at das minuten. ;]

Kane Lives!!!!!
Smiley face

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months
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Yea, right now only admin can

Yea, right now only admin can add them - but it's super easy to make it so the GAME can add points ... since it uses the website's login and database system for verification - plus it's very easy to tie the forum database to the game statistics database. Unification between forum and game login and points, etc.

- Dan

Vancer2's picture
Last seen: 7 years 11 months
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Points: 101
Nice idea

I liked your idea of tying the points to the game and using the points to purchase ingame items. +1 Please.

Kane Lives!!!!!
Smiley face

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