Gettysburg: Armored Warfare is awesome

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ConfederateSoldier's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months
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Gettysburg: Armored Warfare is awesome

Ok now I see Gettysburg: Armored Warfare has been on steam for 3 years now and I seen no update now people who made this game why yall just give up on it now this game is the worlds bestest civil war game I ever seen I am not sure why yall gave up on it here is the things I would do to the game if I had it 1: I would make it single player because it is mostly negative on steam 2: I would make a campaign were you could play as the Confederates and the Union and I saw there was 1860s units and 2060 units so the Idea of the campaign would be you start in the 1860s and work up to the 2060s 3: I would add building and research were you if you play online you have to research and build to get better units that would make the game play better I think. I how no Idea how to make games but if I was given this game to make better I would spend ever day of my life to make this game awesome I don't have the game because I am poor but if I did have it I would never stop playing it well if the people who made this game here is my awesome ideas I plan to make civil war games I had Ideas like this game then I found out it was given up on come on now I an not sure if it was given up on but it looks like it. This game a jack in the box but it has been open yet I hope one day the game is finish.

ConfederateSoldier's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months
Joined: 06/12/2015 - 1:01am
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and if yall need support to

and if yall need support to make this happen I would make sure to get the word out there to get people to see this game

ConfederateSoldier's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months
Joined: 06/12/2015 - 1:01am
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I have seen battles on youtube and and I think what could be added is were if you are in the 1860s there are line battles and when you get to the 2060s thats were you get spread out battles and I hope this game can come bake a live

Dgreen02's picture
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Hey man,

I really appreciate your enthusiasm, but the project was killed by the publisher after release in 2012 and there is no way to bring it back - I'm still hosting a server so people can play, but there is no support and all sales go right to the publisher. The games industry is complex, and there are many factors behind the scenes, I'm also under a non-disclosure agreement.

This game is dead as it can be unfortunately.

I've spent 3 years creating this game, so it's sad to see it end this way back in 2012 when it was released, but I've created a few other projects since then, and they require my full attention. I've learned from the mistakes that occurred here, and will not repeat them.

I'd be glad to hook you up with a free Steam key or two for Gettysburg so you can play with your friends, or get you into the BETAs of my future projects if you're interested.

Thanks for your post, and support!!

- Dan

ace_beorn's picture
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I instantly fell in love with this concept. I love the idea and I love the art. Any hope you might do something similar in the future?


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