Killing Horizon Update - 3/5/2014 ...

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Dgreen02's picture
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Killing Horizon Update - 3/5/2014 ...
nightovizard's picture
Last seen: 7 years 7 months
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Oh very nice! :D Physics part

Oh very nice! :D Physics part mad eme think about that if destroyed vehicles and dead bodies are going to disapper after some time, or if they will be persistent till the match ends?

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months
Joined: 05/12/2013 - 12:58am
Points: 9001
Right now it's a server-side

Right now it's a server-side ( or offline ) variable. You can define the vehicle/human big/dead body time in seconds from the options menu, also things like bullet/decal counts/fade times :-]

- Dan

EiEiO's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months
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nice like ice... that's my

nice like ice... that's my rhyme

This is my signature.

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months
Joined: 05/12/2013 - 12:58am
Points: 9001
Fine like wine, the other day

Fine as wine, the other day. You're a rhyming machine.

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