Sneak Preview of New Rendering Style!

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Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days
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Sneak Preview of New Rendering Style!

Hey guys,

Just for my forum peeps, this first screenshot is a few minutes old - starting to hone the style I want to use. Obivously the sky can be tinted any number of colors, and the time-of-day is 100% dynamic. I can do colorful stuff, so all levels will not be dreary and brown, I just think this is exactly what a desolate mining planet would look like. btw. ambient dust effects coming soon... Also you can see a bit of a fading electrical storm in the first screenshot.

"The Impossible Shot" ...

Showing a command point...

Another image of the command point...

Edit: Two new ones for you :-)

Legion Shield visible through fog of war...

Legion Battle Tank...

Actually I just posted all these on as well...

Remember these are PRE-ALPHA works in progress... :-D

- Dan

nightovizard's picture
Last seen: 7 years 9 months
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The mood is perfect, also wow

The mood is perfect, also wow that lightning looks awesome! By the way, are those ''black'' things bushes? They look very symmetrical, maybe you could add a feature that rotates vegetation randomly every time it is placed, that way each bush would look different , and you would be using the same model instead of many others to create variations, and you would save time thus you would not need to rotate them manually. This could be applied to other map props too.

omg with that dust, looks awesome! I can't wait to see smoke, fire and destroyed vehicles.

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days
Joined: 05/12/2013 - 12:58am
Points: 9001
Yea I have all that

Yea I have all that randomization done, the thing is with the black things [ I fixed the lightness on them since those old screenshots ], there are about 32,000 of them procedurally placed on this map [ can be up to 250,000 per map ] so I have to do a bunch of fancy optimizations to get good frame rate.

I've not had a chance to start working on the 2D imposter system for the foliage/coverage/rocks [ the black things ] ... so right now they all have the same exact imposter texture. That will be changing soon, it's already been improved since these screenshots. That's actually what I just finished working on :-D

Glad you like how it's looking, and thanks for the comments! I've got a bunch more stuff I'll be including in the next update - or probably just launching the Kickstarter / Greenlight ASAP ... :-o

- Dan

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days
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Points: 9001
Posted 2 more of them in the

Posted 2 more of them in the original ^

- Dan

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days
Joined: 05/12/2013 - 12:58am
Points: 9001
Glad you like the dust - that

Glad you like the dust - that's just layer 1 of 3 layers of dust I'll be adding. :-)

- Dan

santiainen's picture
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I have an honest question...

I have an honest question... Is this supposed to end up being the non-broken and actually amazing version of Armored Warfare? You know, the one you had envisioned before ending up with a horrible publisher? Because I had followed Armored Warfare since the beginning, and it honestly ended up as a sort of a disappointment, sadly. Which I can't blame you for at all, by the way, haha.

dgreen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 9 months
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Hey, I guess you could look

Hey, I guess you could look at it like that, though this is really much improved from any design I had with AW. All my projects are similar, I'm sort of striving to merge a few genres... You're right though this time I'll not use a publisher so I can be in control of everything :-)

Just wait until you see how much more improved this is, I've written all physics implementation of Havok from scratche since AW, there are actual physics on everything which I never even had a chance to add anything into Gettysburg. There are improvements in every area, from bug fixes to massive optimizations and expansions in the game engine...the list goes on and on and on. I can't wait to tell all about it in some upcoming videos.

But yea, I can see how this looks like the 1st AW, I'm also using some of my art assets from it since I paid for them myself back in 2008-2009 before Gettysburg.

Welcome to the forum btw :-). Let me know if you have any other Qs, and stay tuned,


- Dan

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days
Joined: 05/12/2013 - 12:58am
Points: 9001
Just put this up on the

Just put this up on the tweeter - and on the screenshots page

I've just been testing the tank and ragdoll physics together :-p

These are at the lowest resolution textures/etc. this is PRE-ALPHA-BUILD, etc. I need to add that disclaimer to the screenshots...

- Dan

Harmar's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 days
Joined: 08/03/2013 - 11:18pm
Points: 601
looks great

looks great

Game breaker 0.o

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